Meet The Team

Executive Director: Rev. Dr Paul Mpindi, PhD 
Associate Executive Director: Rev. Karis Mpindi, M.Div.
Director of African Women Ministries: Charlotte Kiziku Mpindi
Administrative Assistant: Sue Wisniewski

Director of Finances: Deb Feys
Director of Galas: Denise Antcliff
Director of Media: Sabrina Antcliff

President: Jeff Gorter
Vice-President: Drew Sikkema
Clerk: Brian Scheeringa
Treasurer: Ed Postma
Executive Director: Paul Mpindi
Associate Executive Director: Karis Mpindi
Director: Valery Gorter
Director: Chad Kremer
Director: Charlotte Kiziku Mpindi

Rev. Paul Mpindi is originally from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. He is married to Charlotte Mpindi, and they are parents and grandparents.  The Mpindis have been living in Grand Rapids, Michigan for the past 30 years.

Rev. Mpindi came to the Lord at the age of fifteen, and received God’s calling for ministry in his twenties. After graduating from, and teaching at Bangui Evangelical Theological Seminary (BEST) in Central African Republic, Paul and his family moved to Grand Rapids in 1993, where he completed a second Master’s Degree (Th.M. in Old Testament), and a Ph.D. in Old Testament Hermeneutics from Calvin Theological Seminary. Dr Mpindi’s doctoral dissertation was on: Calvin’s Hermeneutics of the Imprecations of the Psalter. 

At present Dr. Mpindi serves as the Executive Director of Mission French Africa Ministries based in Grand Rapids Michigan. Both Dr Mpindi and his wife Charlotte Mpindi produce and air a daily Gospel radio program followed by more than 20 million listeners in French speaking Africa, mostly in Congo-Kinshasa, Central African Republic, Benin, Cameroon, Togo, Chad, and Ivory Coast.

Dr. Mpindi teaches Biblical Hebrew, and Old Testament Exegesis and Theology at the Faculté de Théologie Évangélique du Congo in Kinshasa; at Bangui Evangelical Theological Seminary in Central African Republi; and at Faculté de Théologie Évangélique Shalom in Chad as a visiting professor. Dr Mpindi has been a lecturer in Biblical Hermeneutics at Calvin Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids Michigan (USA), and in Biblical Hebrew at the Jerusalem Center for Bible Translators (Israel).

Dr. Mpindi has published the following books:

  • Initiation à l’exégèse de l’Ancien Testament: Méthode grammatico-historique et théologique
  • La doctrine chrétienne: Dieu: sa nature et son oeuvre
  • Manuel de morale chrétienne en Afrique
  • Les 10 pièges du leader chrétien
  • Cure d’âme et délivrance en milieu africain
  • Le Pasteur et ses problèmes

Dr. Mpindi enjoys reading, walking, fishing, and babysitting their grandchildren.